Word of The Day:

Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. Psalms 25:4-5


About Us

Guiding Principles

The foundation of the ministry of evangelization must be the Word of God rather than human feelings, customs, and traditions. Therefore, the members of GBEF/BFEB have resolved to abide by the following principles: 

1. The work and strategies of turning people into disciples of Jesus Christ would be in vain without the presence of the Holy Spirit

 “Not by might nor by power, but by the Spirit of God” (Zechariah: 4: 6).

2. Prayer is not just a choice it is our way of life

The principle of prayer in its forms (prayer, fasting and any other way of communing with the Lord) guides our Organisation, for prayer was the way of life of our Lord Jesus Christ, whom we chose to follow and serve. Prayer unlocks opportunities to spread the good news of the gospel (Colossians 4: 3). It guards evangelists against the trap of false teachings Colossians 4: 4). Through prayer, God’s will is done on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6: 9-10). Prayer guarantees that genuine workers and not wolves answer their calling as evangelists (Matthew 9: 37-38). So, we do the work of God in holiness and bearing the fruits that honour the Lord. 

3. The gospel transcends the cultural particularities of people from all races, regions and nations

The Good News is the greatest need of all nations and all cultures, for it is through it that divine righteousness is revealed and sustained by faith (Romans 1:17). Although a missionary considers the cultural diversity of the missional field, their first priority is to maintain the authenticity of the Holy Scriptures above local cultural norms. We believe that human customs and traditions evolve with the times, but the Word of God does not change. Therefore, customs and traditions are transformed by people who are born again and have renewed minds. Christians must stay away from all social customs, practices or traditions which go against the word of God, the same way they stay away from sin. 

4. Face-to-face evangelism, living with and bearing fruits for the people being ministered to is essential to the work of evangelization

 Although this technology era has brought several opportunities to spread the good news (radio, television, internet, books), there is no substitute for face-to-face evangelism. The missionary does not only speak but also bears good fruits along with the spoken word. They are an incarnation of their mission and collaborate with believers on the journey of salvation.

5. Salvation comes by faith in Jesus Christ

Missionaries sent abroad must be mature Christians, as witnessed by their fruits and sufficient knowledge of the Holy Scriptures. In other words, they must meet the requirements of God’s Word in 1Timothy 3: 1-7 and Titus 1: 5-9. 

6. Missionaries sent abroad have the responsibility to support and/or establish churches rooted in the Holy Scriptures

There are different gifts among the servants of God (Apostles / Missionaries, Evangelists, Prophets, Pastors, and Teachers, see Phil. 4:11), but all are sent out with the mission to turn people into the disciples of Jesus and teach them to observe all His commandments. It is not enough to preach the message to individual people; it is crucial that believers are brought together to set up an independent congregation with its leadership, so that they may consolidate what they have been taught and pass it on to others for the sake of the expansion of God’s Kingdom.

7. The autonomy of churches established by missionaries sent by the organization (GBEF/BFEB) must be preserved

When the missionaries sent by the Organization get to the point of planting churches in the countries or regions in which they are sent, those churches must have complete independence; provided they stay in line with values and beliefs of GBEF/BFEB. They should be led by the local people who are themselves under the authority of Jesus Christ, the true head of the Church. GBEF/BFEB is not meant to be an association of churches born out of its missionary work; it rather seeks to be in fellowship with these and other churches and organizations with similar vision and beliefs.

8. Spreading the Good News abroad comes with a price

We are conscious that we are working in a world beset by the darkness and difficult times foreshadowing Christ’s return. As a result, we know that this work, the call to which we have responded requires a committed and determined recognition that we may face persecution for the sake of the Gospel.

9. GBEF/BFEB has no denominational, political or national allegiance

The name of the Organization cannot be used for the benefit of furthering the interests of a religious or political entity. Similarly, it can never be associated with corporate interests, personal ambitions, or any other endeavor that is not the proclamation of the message of Jesus Christ as enshrined out in GBEF/BFEB’s core values and beliefs.