The testimony of Aaron

The testimony of Aaron

Aaron, a young man of 25 years, is from Rwanda, currently residing in China where his is doing his master’s degree in civil engineering. The following is his story with Jesus.

1. Aaron’s fall due to carelessness

If you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall.” (1Cor 10:12)

“I was born and raised in an evangelical Christian family and faithfully served the Lord in my local church. At the age of 20, I went to China to pursue my education. Once in China, I did not watch over my Christian life. The Lack of seriousness in prayer and reading the word of God led me into temptations, and I was not strong to resist them.

So, little by little, I gave free rein to the desires of my flesh to the point of indulging in pornography, fornication and masturbation, etc. I lost almost everything: the money I had worked for as a student and friends! Everything I was trying to do was not working anymore. I found myself hopeless, ashamed of what I had become, and afraid of what my future would be. I was spiritually dead!”

2. Aaron’s restoration by God’s grace

Do not gloat over me, my enemy! Though I have fallen, I will rise. (Micah 7:8)

In that messy life, there was a constant voice that would remind me that what I was doing was not right. By God’s mercy and grace, I remembered what I had been taught from my young age that God is merciful. The Holy Spirit convinced me to confess my sins and to look for a friend of mine, a brother in Christ who used to be my prayer partner, so that he could pray for me.  I approached him and repented, he prayed for me and I started a new life with Jesus. I trusted God and his forgiveness and recovered joy and peace in my heart. Since then I remain in God’s grace and enjoy the true relationship with Jesus.

3. What about you? What have you learnt?

You may be in a messy life, struggling with sins, even at verge of depression and suicide! Remember that Jesus loves you. Cry out to him and repent of your sins and trust God’s forgiveness and mercy.

Are you in good relationship with Jesus? Watch over your way of living and be careful lest you fall away from God’s grace. 

May the peace of the Lord and God’s grace be with you. Amen.


  1. Glory to God. I bless God for the testimony; 1 Corinthians 10:1-6 “… Now these things occured as examples to keep us from setting our hearts on evil things as they did.,” Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thank you brother Aaron for sharing this testimony. Change of community is not easy to manage. Many people failed in the same trap when they went out of their mother countries. This testimony is a divine alert for our new generation children, for watching and praying constantly for not falling in the same situation, especially, when they depart from their community. Romans 8:28.

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